Birth Mother Support Group Sligo
We, the DanĂº support group for birth mothers warmly welcome you!
We are a group for mothers who have placed a child for adoption. We have been meeting as a group for some time to talk about our experiences of adoption.
The benefits of being part of this group have been:
* To give us an opportunity to meet others who have been in a similar situation to ourselves
* To give us confidence to talk to our families about our experiences
* To gain an understanding about the grieving process associated with placing our child for adoption
* To give us an understanding of the process of search and reunion
* To give us the opportunity to understand the perspectives of the adoptive parents and the adopted person
* To reduce the sense of isolation
There are a few different sections of information on this webpage and we hope that you will find them useful. We want to know that you are not alone, even though it can feel like that at times.
Take your time to read the:
* The aims and confidentiality agreement for the group
* An Information Booklet adapted from ARMS birth mothers group in Australia
* Contact addresses for adoption support services
* DanĂº Leaflet which gives information about the history of the group, it also provides an email address and phone number so that you contact the group

At present, it has only been birth mothers who have joined the group, but we are aware that as a birth father, you may also wish to seek support, and you are welcome to contact us.
Aileen Gallagher,
No 2 Custom House Quay
Sligo F91 E728
087 662 4762
Elizabeth King,
Sligo Family Resource Centre,
49 The Mall,
Sligo F91 HR58
Email: managersligofrc@gmail.com
071 91 46315